
Showing posts from September, 2020

Looking for beautiful examples of STaM

Shalom. I apologize if this is off the usual halachic topics here, but maybe someone on this forum can help me out. I am coming out with a book on the Beauty of the Hebrew Letter, and I naturally want to include beautiful examples of STaM. I know beauty is a subjective matter but if you know of a person who does outstanding work in STaM - I am looking for both Ktav Ashkenazi (Beit Yosef or Ari), and Sephardi, and maybe even Chabad, and who would give me permission to use their work, it would be greatly helpful. I would be willing of course to contact the person myself if you have contact information. I am really looking for the best of the best - I already have very nice examples but I am looking for outstanding work. I am not looking for calligraphic works with ktav Ashurit, but rather pure STaM - mezuzot, tfillin, megillah or Sefer Torah. I don't want to take up room on the forum with this request. I can be contacted privately at Thanking you in adv...

Chatima Tova

 Yes, we hope for "chatima tova" throughout the entire year. As Soferim, this is a rather crucial quality of our profession. So now, before Rosh Hashana, those words take on greater significance as THE Sofer considers each and every person, and writes their fate for the upcoming year.  To my dear colleagues, teachers and friends in this incredible work we do - שנה טובה ומבורכת

מגילה רבי מהרש כתב חב"ד שקף 42 שרטוט

These Israeli WhatsApp groups have some real Tzadikkim!  I made it into a google file so anyone can download, print etc etc Maker: Romi Brener *Please inform me of anything that might need to be fixed, I will contact Romi to fix*

Differences in mezuzos

 Dear fellow sofrim, I would like to know what Kabbala/custom you have received/do on the following points in the mezuza which i have seen a few opinions of. If you can post the way you do it and who’s opinion and/or the reason why you do it that way it would be very great! 1) The extra tagim in the mezuza besides שעטנז גץ like in שמע אחד etc.. 2) the spacing in between ובשעריך and והי׳ where do you end ובשעריך and where do you start the והי׳? 3) the כוזו on the back do you do it exactly against the שמות or a little on top just touching? Thank you very much  Chaim