
Showing posts with the label Nun


What does everyone think about תתן?

Nun of בבני?

Does this tag ruin the tzurah of the nun?

shayla chamura - tav

My opinion: The Tav is pasul. The left foots' blita is more inward as a pei, and to minimal outward. The Nun of nafshechem is also pasul - it looks more a caf than nun.


Unfortunately the nun and yud are just touching. It's hard to tell from the photo but I don't think that its thin or light enough to be insignificant. Also, especially with a mem that often has a very small connection at the chartom.

shayla on nun pshuta

The magiya was trying to erase problematic tagim on the nun, and by mistake erased part of the rosh. Now it is a question of tzadi pshuta - the question should be resolved by a shaylas tinok. I admit that this question cannot be decided by a pic from the scan, any slight variation in size/color etc, changes the shayla - only can be decided by sight of the letter itself.

nun has a tiny koitz at the bottom

This is a quite common shyla that magihim pose: the nun has a tiny  koitz extending down, making a shayla of gimel. From my experience no tinok gets mixed-up and never read it as a gimel, therefore [l'mayse] a shaylas tinok is not even called for - and one can go ahead and erase this tiny koitz.

Nun: wide gag, narrow moshav

Is this nun posul?

some details in Zadi of Reb Reuvens csav

     Here are examples of Zadi Pshuta I have scanned of Reb Reuven Sofer. 1. In the word (ארץ הכנעני) one can clearly see that R"R writes the right yud first , as a straight yud [as in csav beis yosef] except it doesn’t have a regel. Only, after writing the Nun pshuta he connects the yud to the nun, with a line (which doesn’t look exactly a regel for the yud of Ari-zal) and the connection is a bit inward – not from edge of oketz of the yud, so both yudim are somewhat visible. 2. The upper right kotz of the yud is added after the initial writing of the yud, just as the kotz that connects the yud to the guf of the nun is added later. Sometimes we can see that he pulls the kotz all the way down the right side of the yud (see חמץ), so there will definitly be a kotz on both top and bottom of the yud. Now, this yud has 4 kotzim at its 4 edges, an exception to all his yudim wherever that have only three kotzim. I found a source to this unique feature of this yud in Zo...