
Showing posts from February, 2014
THE GENERIC COMPUTER (when lines get  mixed up -the generic is terrible)

Woman to sew ס"ת ?

is it ok for woman to sew torah to atzei chaim? in keses - lishkas hasofer siman 1, s. k. 7 it seems that not, although dosent mention specificaly sewing to atzei chaim.

do any sforim talk about noot making a shesi vaerev in tefilin see the nun sofits


shayla chamura - tav

My opinion: The Tav is pasul. The left foots' blita is more inward as a pei, and to minimal outward. The Nun of nafshechem is also pasul - it looks more a caf than nun.


Does anybody have a tikun for the real gra megila where the aseres are the last 11 lines of the column? (chabad took the ish bereish daf  that ish belongs on top of column and aseres just needs to be on left side of column and the gra took the aseres besof hadaf means end of column and ish bereish daf means right side.)

Megillah of the Rebbe MaHarash

Here is a picture of the Rebbe MaHarash's Megillah.  As can be seen the Asseret Benei Haman are at the top.  However the listing of the names are not STRAIGHT or JUSTIFIED.  Rather, they are indented taking the length of a regular writing without stretching any letters.  The same goes for the word ASERET, it is not justified with the Ve'ETS. The Rebbe wasn’t a scribe, but his doctor told him he should do detailed work with his hands. So he wrote one Megillah for each of his children. He only wrote three or four megillahs, one of which is in the Library in New York, and the other by Rebbetzin Carlebach.  The above pictures are from the Carlebach scroll.  It's in remarkable condition for its age (around two hundred years old) with really wonderful handwriting. You might enjoy reading the following article:


 ABOVE IS ASERES CHABAD you should review aruch hashulchan too properly understand the aseres issues. Above is aseres like chabad does it the gra HAD A SIMILAR MEGILA BUT WITH THE ASERES ON THE BOTTOM 11 LINES. BELOW IS ASERES ACCORDING TO M"B (KIFLAYIM) BY RABBI MARKOWITZ

aseret bnei haman - Rebbe Maharash megila

I want to thank Shalom Gloiberman for giving me this picture, of the Rebbe Maharash megila. I wrote on my hebrew forum a essay in regard to the aseret bnai haman, in this form. This megila was written approx. 1870-5, and was given to his son Rabbi Shalom Dovber, and was inherited by Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak the Lubavitcher Rebbe (grandson of Maharash).

Shem Al Pi Qabbalah

Hi Eli, Here is the diagram for writing the Shem Al Pi Qabbalah as found in the Yalkut.

Does anyone have a diagram how to make the Shaim "al pi kaballah"?

Someone has pinched my Yalkut Stam and I need to send a diagram to a sofer who doesn't know how to make the Shaim al pi kaballah exactly. If someone has a diagram could they please upload it. Thanks...

Black Shadow behind surrounding the letters

Tzadikim, I have a Question. Black Shadow behind surrounding the letters, But letters are still clearly readable. Is there any problem?
Is this Reish or Chaf Sofit M"B brings breichas hamayim here is the link -does this apply here?


I'm not a big expert on batim so advice is appreciated. I know that one broken tefira (or even sometimes 2) can be kosher if it's on the side, but the a broken tefira in the corner that ruins the Zavit is Pasul. This shel yad had a long gid coming out of it. I wasn't sure what it was so had a look and it seemed that it's from the corner tefira underneath.  Perhaps it was the end of the tefirot but it seems to have been badly looped because I pulled lightly at the bottom at it almost pulled out all the way through, so it seems that it's not actually tied to anything. Just pulled through.  The other 3 cornea tefirot (2 on top and 1 on bottom) are a bit loose but they seem to be still connected even if loose. Does this one bottom corner tefira that isn't really connected posel the tefillin? Must it be opened and re sealed?

Question on Tzadi

Is this Tzadi kosher?

"The meuzah has sentimental value" OPINION PLEASE

We all get an occasional problematic tefilin or mezuza with "SENTIMENTAL" value. I have heard in name of rav wosner that if we have tefilin from a very prominent sofer then even a bdieved is lechatchila-if I am correct he said it regarding shrt lameds in rav Nachman papirnes ksav from his older years. The Shaila is what is the Lomdis Is it that we may use a bdieved if the chashivas of the sofer is so great or that since a chushiver sofer wrote it we count it as lechatchila. The meuzah or  that has sentimental value  is this a reason to allow a bdieved? maybe since it was written without tagim it should be kept in the china closet for sentimental value.

Sirtut for Gittin

Some Sofrim have a board with 12 raised lines on it, in order to make Sirtut on Gittin easily. Does anyone know how to obtain such a board? Thanks.
Rav Elyashiv's daas on split Vav's (looking like Gimels) is well known. I suspect that even those who are more lenient would have an issue with this extreme split and particularly together with the square rosh, it looks quite a bit like a Gimel.

Small Mezuzah Klaf

Someone in my office recently asked me if I could have two mezuzot checked for her. The one on the left is what the owner of her apartment left on her front door. The one on the right came from her grandmother. Both of these mezuzot are really small (5-6 cm). They seem almost too small to be kosher - meaning that any slight deviation in the height of the letters makes it look questionable. Is there any rule of thumb about the minimum size of the klaf? (The one on the left is definitely passul - it has cracks in the klaf that run through the letters. The only thing strange about the one on the right is that it was rolled vertically instead of horizontally.)

Nun hafucha in charan

I was asked in the previous post to put this up. Not terribly exciting this one as the scribe didn't go for an actual nun hafucha (or the slanty version or the nun sofit inverted regel type tag I have seen) - though the lech l'cha tradition is there.

Kabbalistic tav

Am currently repairing a very old kabbalistic torah. Most of the kabbalistic touches don't invalidate the letter forms and have considerable precedent. However I have just come across this odd tav with a lamed type rosh. I've seen something that looks similar in the Machzor Vitri but the rosh doesn't look quite so pronounced but that may just be a bad drawing. It does say it appears 22 times in the Torah and this is also listed in Sefer HaTagin and both words are in the list. It is clearly still a tav but as a special tagin go this is a bit much. I'm not intending to 'correct' this, but just wanted to check that since we have the tradition this form is acceptable. Also thought everyone would be interested in seeing this. Todah


Besides for lack of shatnez getz tagin in the second half of the mezuzah, some lamedim are kav moshuch. Some opinions allow fixing, can I get a psak here please?  The meuzah has sentimental value.
The foot of the hay is very very close but not touching,


This is from a shel yad I was checking today. Obviously it's greatly magnified. To me, the yud has no Rosh and is Pasul. If you look carefully (it's clearer in reality), the thick regel at the top connects directly with the tag/kotz. Does anyone disagree?