
Showing posts from February, 2016

צד"י פשוטה משונה

הצדי"ן נראים הפוכים, ראש שמאל נראה מחובר לקו ארוך היוצא מראש ימין אמנם כוונת הסופר היתה לכופף צואר הירך [היוצא מראש שמאל] ימינה הרבה ואחר כן למשכה בפשיטות כלפי מטה, ולכן מתדמית לצד"י הפוכה. נראה לי שבדיעבד כשר [גם אם עשאה ממש הפוכה כנ"ל - כלומר משך הקו הארוך מראש ימין ולא משמאל], כי לא נשתנה לגמרי צורתה, ואינה נראית כאות אחרת. [ולא כתבתי זה אלא לדין בדיעבד, אבל ברור שאסור לכתחילה לעשות הפוכה, שהרי אסור לשנות צורת האות מהכתב שנמסר כמבואר בשו"ע רבינו סי' לו סעיף א].


According to shitos that the vav gets a head up Is this the correct tzura?  or should be like this מחבר:צריך להאריך בואו דויזתא (בכתיבתה וי"א בקריאתה) ובמ"ב  למתוח ראשה הכפוף ותהיה כעין זקופה לרמז שנתלו כולם בזקיפה אחת. ובשעה"צ ר"ן והובא בט"ז ועכשיו לא נהגו כך אלא כדעת האומרים שיהיה הויו גדולה מאלפא ביתא של אותיות גדולות כמו שכתב הרא"ש ובקסת וצריכין להאריך בוי"ו דויזתא ויהיה ראשה (ה)כפוף קצת בזקיפה באלכסון למעלה ***(וי"א דיאריך בקריאתה:) every print has a different  כזה***

חכמים הזהרו בדבריכם

A sofer that wrote megilos for me started to write tefilin.At first glance I told him his ך are very problematic. Unfortunately he asked a local rav in Israel that told they are kosher- had the rov told him shalas tinok and explained to him that letters should be written without any sfeikot then the rest of his parshios would of been kosher. please your thoughts which ones pass without tinok which need tinok and which tinok wont help

Private buyer looking for a super mehudar Torah

I have a private collector who is looking for a super mehudar Sefer Torah - the very best tav, the most hiddurim etc - and he is willing to pay top dollar for it. If any of you have something to offer, please email me with an official proposition. He needs to buy it officially, from a real company or professional sofer and the offer must be done in writing, with all details about the Torah, like number of lines, and of course, the final price (if the Torah is in Europe, with VAT included). He is flexible about the size and ksav. This is quite urgent, so if any of you have a special Torah like this, email me asap at

Gvil Sefer Torah

I am looking for a completed Sefer Torah (new or used) on Gvil. Any help in finding a source would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Can anyone tell me the sources of: 1) Not making mehikos in Megillot / Kesuvim scrolls other than Megillah Esther. 2) Writing Kesidran within the same Yeria in a Sefer Torah. Thanks! YK

chof and vov, close but not possul

I recently observed a discussion where a particular Magiha was concerned in several cases of a vov following a chof, with the two letters close but not actually touching. While there are opinions who are choshesh in such a case (R' Wosner) it is important to note that it really has to present itself in the unique manner of looking like a mem with a small nifsak (for example the vov of the mem would be angled back slightly as it is shaped in a mem). Its not enough for them just to be close, there has to be other contributing factors. Therefore in a case such as the pictures below, where it presents as a chof and vov that -  yes are close - but simply still look like their normal individual letters, there should be no problem unless they are actually touching. I was wondering R' Moshe's opinion on this matter and if anyone thinks there is a problem with these "karov negiyos"

Listening while writing

So what's the status with the sofer and the tfillin that was written while the sofer was listening to music or a shiur. we know that the shevet halevi didn't like it although he never pasuled Stam based on that. yet many sofrim whom I've met, do it. Should the customer be notified that it's lacking hidur. ...

are these caf kosher?


Curriculum for hilchos STa"M?

Sorry if this is an ignorant question, but ignorance is what I'm trying to get rid of.  When I first started learning STa"M, the sofer I did shimush with had me practice chaseros and yeseros, and learn Kesset Hasofer and Mishna Berurah 32 (with biur halacha) and that's what Va'ad Mishmereth STa"M tested me on. Since I'm writing more lately, I feel that I should know the halachos on a deeper level than the Mishnah Berurah provides. I've gone through Hilchot Sefer Torah and Mezuzah in Y"D Mechaber/Rema and am starting נושאי כלים. Can any of the rabbonim and more knowledgeable sofrim recommend a list of seforim that are absolutely necessary to "really" know STa"M and a second tier that are I should avoid until after getting a solid grasp of the halacha through the main ones?


many times there is a tiny pgima, this was a bit worsesince it has a kotz sticking out, this is the first time a tinok called it gimel. The first vav passed but the second vav was read as a zein. I tested the tinok and came back to this shaila after asking many random letters and he said zein again, He then started doubting if its vav or obviously posul.

Controversial Reish

Shalom everyone, Thank you r' Eli for adding me to the blog. Name's Natan. Chabad Sofer in Montreal, CA. I had a sheila concerning this Reish, but I got so many different opinions and views about it, that I wanted to post it here in order to hear your views and reasoning about this Reish of Ukshartam . For me it is a sensitive case with a client that I could not clear cut yet in either direction. Thank you !

אות זיי"ן פסולה

הזיי"ן הזאת פסולה. הראש של הז' צ"ל עובר מב' הצדדים, וכאן אינה עוברת כמעט על צד ימין. וגם המעט שעוברת הוא בצורת עיגול שדומה לוי"ו לכן יש לפסלה, ואין להתיר אפילו קריאת התינוק

למדי"ן פסולות - איפה היה המגיה?

  פ"א מחודשת - מורידים עוקץ קצר מהגג, במקום הפ"א המחודשת של הכתיבה תמה [חילופים דחילופים ותמורות דתמורות..] הפ"א של פן - המושב כמעט אינו מכסה הנקודה. אינו לכתחילה. הנו"ן של נשבע - שאלת תינוק בגלל התוספת. הלמדי"ן - הסופר שכח לעשות את המושב. איפה היה המגיה?????? לדעת המשנה ברורה הלמ"ד פסולה, ואי אפשר לתקנה במזוזה שלא כסדרן. אמנם דעת שו"ע רבינו נראה שאפשר להקל לתקנה. אבל השאלה העיקרית נשארה: איה סופר ??? ואיה מגיה ???  (אולי זה הגהה ראשונה?!!)