
Showing posts with the label members

I have updated the Stam Forum membership list and I welcome all new members

So that everyone knows who they are conversing with, I have updated the Stam Forum membership list.  I would like to introduce the following new members: R' Ezra Kahfif User name: Ezra Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil R' Elad Rozenfeld User name : Elad Location: Palo Alto, California R' Yehoshuah Deitel User name: Yehoshuah Location: Jerusalem, Israel R' Etan Katz User name: Etan Katz Location: Beit Shemesh, Israel R' Yerachmiel Askotzky User name: Yerachmiel Askotzky Location : Israel R' Aryeh Schechter user name: aaa Location: Brooklyn, NY Some of the above members are noted authors and experts in the field of Stam. Welcome to the Forum and we look forward to your contributions!