
נו"ן פשוטה שנפסקה

נראה לי שמותר לתקנה, כי צורתה ברור, וההפסק אינו ניכר כל כך. (דבר כזה, יש לבחון בראיה אמיתית במציאות, כי שינויים קטנים יכולים לשנות את השאלה) גם הב' של "בין" העקב משוך מדי ימינה, מ"מ כשרה.

width of each colums (Bnai Haman/V'es) in 42 line (45 or 48cm) Aseres Bnai Haman

In order to figure out the width of the amud I need to know the width of the Bnai Haman and the width of V'es then I can calculate the space to leave in between. (Will be according to Rav Elyashiv who holds the space should be 2x the width of both V'es and Bnai Haman. (For example, if Bnai Haman is 6cm and V'es is 4cm then the space in between is 20cm.

Suspicious Mechika

It may be a bit hard to see, but there is a mechika on the second line of Vehoyah. starts after the Lamed of LeAhavah and goes to the end of the line. How and why would this be done without a mechikas HaShem or shelo kisidran? (the daled and vav at the end of the line are not touching)

קרע גדול במעברתא

אמנם איני זוכר שיש דין מפורש בקרע המעברתא, מ"מ נראה שאין להכשיר קרע גדול כל כך. אבל אם ירצה לתפור עור או להדביק עור על המעברתא - כדי להיות המעברתא שלימה - רשאי.

Do you have sefer Mishnas Hasofer - newer edition?

I have the original edition from 5752. I recently saw another (new) sefer quote from him and what he says doesn't even remotely match what Rav Stern writes, at least in his original edition. If you have the later edition, let me know and I'd request a picture of a short piece to see if in fact, it's in the newer edition or just a mistake.

Downtown Melbourne's First Torah

ספר בנין א"ב?

Is anyone familiar with this sefer? I've seen it quoted in Mishmeres Stam and Kesiva Tama.

Fixing a Mashuach sefer Torah

Above are some photographs of a sefer Torah I have been called in to repair from time to time.  It as a sefer written on klaf mashuach, coated parchment. Over the past few years I have noticed fresh problems and cracking, occurring more frequently, to the point that there are currently several amudim that look like the pictures above. I have never previously agreed to undertake a comprehensive repair a mashuach torah scroll, because that nature of it is very difficult to work with (ink runs off the coating) and because of the coating, there is no guarantee how quickly letters will continue to crack. Once it starts, it doesn't stop, and it would be very difficult to guarantee continued Kashrus. I have recommended to the owners that it is beyond my scope and capabilities to work with such a sefer.  Furthermore, all of my usual  repairers that I outsource to in Israel, won't touch klaf moshuach seforim. Does anyone know of a reliable repairer of klaf mashuach? Perhaps...

Lanai Table Instructions

Does anyone have instructions for how to put together the Lanai Table? I just put it together, and I want to make sure that I have it right.

New book on the laws of Sefer Torah

B"H   With gratitude to Hashem I am happy to inform you of the release of my newest book, Sefer Torah: Divine Protection and Unity.  Several years of work have gone into this project and I am pleased to share that it is the most thorough book in English of its kind. The book is designed to be user-friendly while also providing extensive research and sources. It is a great reference for Ashkenazic, Sefaridic and Chabad practice.  A special thanks to Rav Moshe Weiner and the other Rabbonim for the careful review of this entire sefer and extensive notes.  Just in time for Shavuos! The sefer is available on Amazon . קבלת התורה בשמחה ובפנימיות Rabbi Dovid Nissan Bressman

The OK's Hechsher on STa"M....Will it work?

In today’s day and age, virtually every kosher product available to the consumer comes with a hechsher. By hechsher, I mean an official and recognised rabbinical body or agency that certifies the kashrus of a product, be it a food item or a religious article. Hechsherim play a vital role in providing consumer confidence, and something branded by a reputable kashrus agency will be considered more legitimate than a similar product that does not. The agency has rigid policies and protocols in place to ensure correct standards are met, and they are independent of the manufacturer so that there is no conflict of interest. As we have discussed on this forum previously, there is a distinct lack of official hechsherim on Sta”m products - Tefillin, Mezuzos and Sifrei Torah. Even the Vaad Mishmeres Sta”m, the oldest and most well- known rabbinic agency in the Sta”m world does not certify products. They test and ordain sofrim and magihim (examiners), offer a computer checking service (sp...

יו"ד דומה לרי"ש קטנה

היו"ד דומה לרי"ש קטנה, דינה כדין יו"ד הדומה ללמ"ד קטנה - שאלת תינוק

Hechsher of the OK on stam

I have heard that the OK will soon be giving a hechsher on Tefillin, Mezuzos and Sifrei Torah... Has anyone else heard of this? Update : Someone sent me this. Seems INDEED this is the case. See below.

Mem with straight gag

A friend showed me this mezuzah and said he was advised by a credible magiah that this mezuzah was pasul. I saw these pencil markings on it. I noted the mem of matar has the gag touching "too much" but mishnat hasofer says bediavad (even if the gag is a complete straight line) this can be fixed in a tefillin and mezuzah. Does anyone know of any source which would hold this mem is pasul?

Double Sirtut

Has anyone heard of any major posek saying double sirtut reduces (halachic) hiddur? I know there is a source in rishonim not to have more than one sirtut. Does anyone know where? Is this taken into account buy today's poskim? Thanks

Yeriyos Shlomo APP

Download here: The video shiurim are excellent...

Are you familiar with Oish batim?

Backwards Tzadik source in Rishonim

ב״ה Since I just joined the forum I figured I would post something small that I found interesting to introduce myself. Here is A source in Rishonim for the minhag of the backwards head of the letter Tzadik. The Minchas Solet (R' Menachem Mendel Meshi-Zahav), perush on the Baruch Sheamar, brings that, while the custom of having the right head of the letter Tzadik face towards the right seems to originate from the Arizal, the truth is that you can find an earlier source for in the Rishonim. Namely, the Meiri and in his understanding of Rashi. In explaining the statement in the Gemara that you should be careful in writing that your letters Tzadik and Gimel should not look alike ( לא יעשה צדין גמין ), one explanation is that if you flip the gimel around it will look like the long Tzadik. Now, the sefer Hatruma qualifies this that the head of the backwards gimel will not match the right head of the Tzadik, since it will face towards the right. However, the Meiri unde...


Hi everyone, I have recently come across 2 cases of those plastic retzuos which were first discovered about two and a half years ago. This is the type that has the thick plastic (not paint veneer) heat pressed onto poor quality leather that easily tears once it is separated from the plastic. One was from a pair of tefillin purchased in NY , the other, from Israel. Both sets were a few years old and could have easily come from those fraudulent batches being sold a few years ago. My theory is that some of them began splitting right away or within a short amount of time, so people changed them. Some people may also have tested them when the fuss was being made once the fraud was discovered, and changed them then. But in all likelihood, many did not, and if the two parts are still bonded together (some may have been manufactured better than others) then people would be unaware that anything is wrong. The common pask on those retzuos were that they were possul. I'm wondering i...

Looking for a Table שולחן סופר in Eretz Yisroel or America

Hello,  I am looking for a table while I am in Eretz Yisroel. I am here until next Wednesday, and the only tables I have seen are the ones that stand on an existing table or the Lanai one that I have shown on the right. I plan to bring the Table back to America in two checked bags.  I found the one on the right for 2000 shekels, and I am wondering if anyone knows a better price? If possible I would like to see if other table options exist already in America besides the one Merkaz Hasofrim sell (I think the Lanai one is better). Specifically I would like a Larger writing surface for working with large sheets of Bristol Vellum, but I still want the ergonomic benefits of the Sofer Table. I was thinking of just making my own piece of wood and attaching it to the Lani Table to suit my needs. Perhaps I would incorporate a Light Board into the Lanai Table. Any Help would be appreciated. מרדי