This is a mezuza [click on it to enlarge] I have pointed out some of the classical work of MR Metayeg!
I don't know in this mezuza if MR Metayeg is a second person, or the sofer himself [which in the latter case will be honourably classified himself as a metayeg].
Notice what happened to the shinim at the bottom right! I don't know if these additions where added shlo csidran, overwriting the original shin, making panim chadashos, or not?
In a usual case we would rely on chezkas kashrus of the sofer that he didn't do a psul. Can I apply that chazaka to this case????
The vav of ועל נפשכם is also problematic, a shayla of yud?
Notice what happened to the shinim at the bottom right! I don't know if these additions where added shlo csidran, overwriting the original shin, making panim chadashos, or not?
In a usual case we would rely on chezkas kashrus of the sofer that he didn't do a psul. Can I apply that chazaka to this case????
The vav of ועל נפשכם is also problematic, a shayla of yud?
If sofer does not have ksav kabala there is no chezkas kashrus i would think that same applies to metayeg who probably never heard of ponim chadashos