Chok tochot issue

I'm just starting a megillat Esther and I wrote a resh and the intended to write the taf (see photo) but just went a bit too far and it joined up forming a much longer resh.

If I scrape the join then is this chok tochot, as that is defined as forming the letter by means of scraping and the actual letter form is already formed and the scraping does not change the tsura of the ot - it is still a resh. My first thought was that I have to scrape back the resh to a vav form from the right to the left and then redraw the resh, but I'm not so sure since the form won't change even though I'm scraping?

Thoughts and sources?


  1. The reish is kosher as is now, so you may scrape the join, and the reish will not be chok tochos (since it never was pasul).
    In regard to the tav - that the gag will be made by chok tochot you may rely on most poskim (the Mishna Brura ...) that since the letter has to be finished and only a begining part was developed thru chok tochot it is kosher.

    1. Thanks Reb. Moshe - nice to have the forum to float these questions when you are just a bit unsure. Happy with relying on Mishnah Brurah etc with the tav - just wanted to make doubly sure regarding the resh.


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