Dear Readers and Members, The forum has been down for over 6 months because the domain name ( lapsed and it is no longer available to re purchase. Although this forum is now defunct (it has morphed into several whatsapp groups), I have had many requests to put it back online because it contains so much information (over 1,800 posts and thousands of comments in the discussions, on a wide range of topics related to STa"M). I have therefore put the forum back online at blogger, so the address is The forum lasted for a decade...not a bad effort! It was pretty popular back in the days before whatsapp and managed to receive over a million hits in it's short life. It was one of the only organised forums in the STa"M world and definitely the largest in it's heyday. I would like to thank all those who cobtributed over the years, particularly the early members who helped build it up. Thanking you all, Eli
What seems to be the main problem is writing Ashuris with tagim if it is not for actual Sta"m certainly more so if the item is not protected (not in the case of a siddur). In many smicha teudos the name is written in hand written ashuris without tagim on the letters.
ReplyDeleteSee also Sharei Halacha Uminhag(Lubavitcher Rebbe)yoreh deah p338