Pasuchos in Eichah

I heard the following shailo...Someone wanted to know if there was ever a minhag went writing Megillas Eichah to put a parsha pasuchah after every pasuk?


  1. This may be refering to the custom of leaving a larger space of one and a half to two letters at the end of a pasuk that used to happen in sifrey torah and esther and may well have happened with eicha and other megillot. This is a cutom that I'm sure the baal koreh would want sofrim to bring back.

  2. This may be refering to the custom of leaving a larger space of one and a half to two letters at the end of a pasuk that used to happen in sifrey torah and esther and may well have happened with eicha and other megillot. This is a cutom that I'm sure the baal koreh would want sofrim to bring back.

  3. Do you know where this came from?

  4. I have not found a source for the custom but have seen many examples in old sifrey. It is mentioned in one of more recent stam halacha books but only to say we do not do this nowadays. Will check the source.

  5. I've also seen this custom brought down, i think in the nose keilim in the shulchan aruch. And as noted by pinchas, i also saw it in some older sifrei torah.


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