Possible Solution for Double "Uvechol" Problem

A while back there was a post (http://www.stamforum.com/2011/10/what-ktav-is-this.html) showing an image where the word "uvechol" was written twice:

It was mentioned that it would be problematic to scratch out the extra word because it would leave too large of a space, and that it would be problematic to make holes in the klaf (see the above link for more).

As a possible solution, I would like to propose the following:

1) Scratch out the lamed of the first "uvechol" and the vav, veis, and chaf of the second "uvechol," leaving the lamed of the second "uvechol" intact.

2) Scratch out the tag (only) of the chaf of the first "uvechol."

(Restore the sirtut if necessary.)

3) Stretch out the chaf of the first "uvechol" to reach the lamed of the second "uvechol," adding a tag at the new end of the now stretched out chaf.

It should now appear as in this graphically altered illustration:

It might not be the prettiest or the most lechtichila (especially for Ksav Alter Rebbe), but is there any reason that it should not be kosher after following the above?


  1. I know many poskim who would passel a LONG CHOF OR BEIS LIKE THAT ON THE GROUNDS OF SHINUY TZURAH

  2. Interesting eitzah...I'll ask R' Shammai.

  3. Yes, sofer sogood, this is a textbook case brought in the Mishnah berurah and the procedure you described works to avoid issues of sh'lo k'sidran. The one consideration that is REQUIRED to ensure the tikkun remains kosher is when being moshech the chof both the gag and moshav need to be extended at relatively the same pace (ie draw out just a little from the gag and then a little from the moshav, alternating frequently between them) so at all times during the tikkun the gag and moshav are mostly even, maintaining a basic צורה of אות ג׳ף.

  4. Two corrections to what I wrote above: first, the textbook case that shines light on your example is highlighted in the Mishnat Sofrim (not the mishnah berurah) and secondly, the last line should read "...maintaining a basic צורה of אות כ"ף."

    Additionaly the Mishnat Sofrim brings the Pri Megadim who says "כללא דמלתא כל שאין כותב רק מוחק או מושך לא הוי שלא כסדרן." He continues, "for example the word "אבותיך" written with a 'ו' -- one must erase the vav and although doing this causes the one word to look like 2 words (אב תיך), he should extend the Bet. Even though he is now writing an 'extension' he is not really doing anything since the initial tzurah of Bet was already initially upon the letter."

  5. I showed R' Shammai this picture and said it's kosher.

  6. I had a parsha where reb ahron pollack ob"m did exactly this.

  7. Reb Shlomo Kluger has a tschuva on a similar shaila where the word ושבעת was written twice. He writes that ושבעת is only five letters, not nine, and as such is not a psul of revach parsha shlo bmokom parsha. Rav Moshe Feinstein also has a similar tschuva in which he paskans that we only say nine yudin is a shiur parsha lehakel, and not lehachmir. However, this would only help if in the places were a hefsek parsha is needed, there is a space of nine osios gedolos.

    On the other hand, the Keses HaSofer and the Meleches Shamayim hold that nine yudin is also a shiur parsha lehachmir.


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