Bet k'mo kaf

We all know that in order to not be confused with a kaf, a bet shouldn't have a rounded corner and should have a pronounced heel (ideally with a little kots) but in older sifrey this isn't always the case.

I've started restoring a Torah that was rescued from Germany just before Kristalnacht and throughout the bets are very rounded and the heel is not always that pronounced. When there is a kaf in the vicinity it is obvious which is which, but when there isn't a reader could very easily mistake this for a kaf (e.g. the middle ones) even with the light tag on the end.

Above are some examples some with heels more pronounced than others. What do people think? I am adding ink to the heel where there is potential for confusion but am a bit loathe to square the corners since this is the style of the sofer and there is much history attached to this Torah.


  1. might be eaiser to square off, as for a round ekev to be decent you will need more space, which you might not be afforded

  2. Where there is concern for kashrus or confusion I'd think a stroke of ink starting a little above the ekev and pulled down along the edge,preferably in a 1/2 circle motion should solve the confusion and deal with any that may be pasul.


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