kesiva bepsul

1. If, while writing the gag of the alef , the top yud lost it's regel, then I wrote the bottom yud, but didn't connect it to the gag, is that considered kesivah bepsul , and i must erase and rewrite the bottom yud after i fix the rest of the alef?

2. according to those that hold (mikdash meat, tz"tz)  that i can fix the alef without erasing, but with adding a rosh, even if i connected the bottom yud is that kesiva bepsul, it wasn't possul it was a yerech, i just didn't write the rosh yet?


  1. Peretz,
    What you are describing seems like the textbook case brought by the Mishna Brurah on siman 32:18 (s"k 89).

    Writing the yud hatakhton - even prior to connecting it with the gag -- would be considered ksiva b'psol, assuming that the term "lost it's regel" means that the tzura of the yud ha'elyon was lost and the yud became completely nidbak to the gag.

    However in s"k 87, the MB writes, "...but if there is a part left unstuck it is valid, even if it is not as thin as it ought to be. Provided some part remains, it is valid and does not require correction."

    In other words, as long as the upper yud still maintains its tzurah then writing the lower yud in such a case is perfectly kosher.

    As a side point it's worth mentioning that al pi halacha there is no "k'sidran" within the writing of the otiyot themselves. It doesn't matter whether you choose to write the gag first or the yud hatakhton or upper yud first.

    The ikar is that each portion is written b'kashrut and maintains its tzurah.

  2. 1. it is pasut that there is no difference in regard to csiva b'pisul if you have connected the bottom yud or not.
    2. there isnt a connection between the two, IE since there is an issue of csiva b'pisul in the given case, any part written in the alef after the pisul occurred is considered b'pisul.

    1. Misvara I disagree with 1. unless you have a good makor a part that is not connected to the posul part would not be considered nichtav bepsul (even according to the shitot that 2 ksivas is still nichtav bepsul)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. what's your opinion on about what it says here:

    2. so, if i decide to fix it by adding a rosh to the top yud, it comes out that the rosh hanidbak was really not a pesul, just the regel of the yud which wasn't wriitten then, then i wouldn't have to erase the bottom yud), but if i decide to fix it by erasing the kav, then i had a rosh hanidbak and i would have to erase the bottom yud because it was written bepsul?
    i decide if it's written bepsul or not?

    1. answer to no. 2
      yes, it is up to you!
      the issue of csiva b'pisul is indeed difficult to understand, (I am not going into explaining here).

  5. In short, the answer is yes, as Rav Weiner shlit"A has said. Basically it comes down to 2 options:

    1) Either erase what was written b'pisul (and everything written after that point) and write them again b'kashrus


    2) You can be mosif d'yo to the yud ha'elyon to give it proper tzurah even after writing the yud hatakhton and the entire aleph is kosher. Of course the yud ha'elyon might look a little schvach but at least it has tzurah. Nischt G'ferlich.


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