What is the halachcik status of this bent titora? Is it still kosher?


  1. it would take about 2 minutes to fix with an electric sander

    1. How can one sand the corner there where all of the mavarta is protruding even lower?

    2. i use a disc sander for the back corner

  2. As long as the square of the lower titura, and the square of the lower tfira are still recognized, IE their length and width are equal on all 4 sides, it is kosher. If not pasul, unless fixed.

    1. when you say equal you mean less that 1mm discrepancy

  3. prior to any sanding, the titura should be pressed back into its proper form as best as possible. Once you've done your best to get it back into shape then you would sand whatever is necessary. Sanding is permanent and is not the first step.

    Batim experts are able to use heat straighten the titura. This is not something I'd suggest trying on your own as it is easy to mess up. The warped corners can also be very carefully straightened with a pliers. Finally, often some corners will need to be soaked out and reshaped.

    The large gap in the opening can be a problem with the ribua. Also, some hold that considerable warping affects the ribua and if the titura elyona and tachtona are not aligned (creating a step) then some consider this a problem in ribua as well. Hence the batim must be fixed.


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