Any idea of the origins of this ksav?

It's written on gvil, very old... Is it possibly temani?

Feedback appreciated.


  1. Hi Eli,
    This is not Temani. Rather, it is a beautiful example of a classic Spanish hand written on what appears to be a paper thin gevil.

    I am curious of two things:
    1) Does the gevil retain the dermis (Or Takhton) or has it all been removed to the point that only the epidermis (Or Elyon) remains?
    2) Are there any open parashot?

  2. the gvil is thick, both layers, but has a shiny coating. I don't think there are any open parshiyot. Any idea how old this could be or what it's worth?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Looks similar to this Sefer Torah

    Which is 700 years old from Spain.

  5. It could be 600+ years old. One may certainly carbon date it.
    If that old, it should be worth $15,000+ US Dollars.

    Look at this one from Sotheby's $12,000 - $15,000 and not in as great quality or shape.

  6. R' Eli, please watch the video at the end of this website...

    It suggests that the Megilla here is about 600 yrs old, because of the stretched Shin, in the first line, and the Nun stretching under a Yud.

  7. Few Comments:
    1. This is indeed not Teimani.
    2. I would doubt if the 800 years old Torah is really that old. from comparing the dated Tikuns (אסופת כתבים מימי הביניים כרך ב' כתב (ספרדי על ידי האוניברסיטה העברית
    this Torah doesn't match any style Ktuv from that time.
    3. The Megillah on Sotheby's didn't sell, also in the past there were some misdated Sefer Torahs and Megilot at auction houses. I don't think this Megillah is that old or that it is from Spain
    4. The 700 years old Torah looks like the real thing.
    5. The Gevil Megillah does look like a Spanish style writing but I don't think its that old. I have seen stretched Shins and other letter in Torahs of 200 - 300 years old too. The Gag of the letter Yud in the Megillah is strait and not like the old Spanish style pointing up in a slant. The curves on top of the Lamed resembles the Velish style of much later date.
    6. Looks like the tagim were added later including the Kutz Shel Yud.


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