Double kuzu - in back of mezuza

Double kuzu - the sofer made a mistake in the first one skipping a samech [BTW the last 2 zayinin, are more vav than zayin] and was afraid to erase the 'shemos' so he wrote a new kuzu above.
1) since these shemos are not me'akev at all the mezuza, it is kosher with 2 kuzu.
2) it was permitted to erase the first kuzu [more accurate from the (lacking) samech down], since these are not true 'shemos' that are forbidden to erase, rather 'kinuyim' (other secondary/derivative names) that are not kodesh and permitted to be erased for great need as tikun. That should of been done rather than write a second one.


  1. if it is acceptable to erase the kuzu, why don't the sofrim who have the shtik to lift the kuzu to the light to see if they are mechuvonos (and if they are not mamash os keneged os they make the customer buy new mezuzos0. - why don't they just ersase and rewrite and charge a few dollars for this "hiddur"???

  2. cause elishev..... would rather not work hard

    There actually may be a shaila since it is on the other side of the shem -does the shem koine mekomo through and through.

    1. And if the shaim is kone mwkomo 9all the way through the klaf), how could you write the kuzu there to begin with? (kuzu is not considered shaimos)

  3. If it was only E it would be ok but seems some other sofrim have adopted this "chumra".

    If you are correct, that the shem is kone all the way through (never heard of this - any source?) and you therefore cannot erase the kuzu then the kuzu is in the correct place anyway (ie back of the shemos)which is exactly what the rama says to do!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The reason why it annoys me is because there are so many other basic halochos that are neglected which affect the kashrus (and are actually even possul according to many opinions, including rishonim, such as lamedim which are chof yud and too much space between words), but these sofrim ignore all that, but when it comes to checking the kuzu suddenly they are all machmir using lightboxes and microscopes

      sorry if I'm ranting

    3. Source of "קונה מקומו"
      קסת הסופר יא יא
      he learns it from
      ערכין ו. תוספות ד"ה יגוד

    4. Reb Moshe, what's your opinion on koine mekomo?

    5. The shem is kone mekomo only in regard to writing from the first side of the klaf, not the opposite side. Otherwise it would be forbidden in the first place to write the kuzu.

    6. but if you scratch to erase the kuzu it will go a little into the klaf and then when you write the second kuzu it will possibly in the makom that was kone by the shaimos

    7. The shem is kone only in regard to if written on the place of the shem facing that side [IE, if something would be written on the original place of the shem], but in regard to what is written on the opposite side it isn't kone.

    8. Rabbi Shtern discusses this in "ביאור הסופר" and his מסקנה is..."צ"ע"


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