Ches looks like vav connected to dalet

As this mezuzah was on My desk, my 8yrs old son mentioned me there is a problem with וחרה. he told me the ches looks lke a vav and a daleth. whats your opinion Rabbis? Now a different issue is the tagin, i found most of mezuzos not to be medakdek that the right tag (chesed) shall be taller then the left one. the question is what is the source of this tag issue? Another question i had is lets say the mezuzah klaf i bought was made al tnay that is also good for divrey chulin, now lets say i said leshem kdushat mezuzah and than i wrote shma israel or only one letter shin but than i decided i dont want to go on with writing this mezuzah, can i crop the first shitah of the mezuzah and use the rest of the mezuzah for chulin ?


  1. Re the Chet and lamed - are you asking about kashrut or hiddur?

    The Chet has not lost its tzura and is still kosher, at least bediavad.
    It is a big lack in level of ketiva, I'd thicken the left regel a bit.

    A lamed with a longer left tag is also still kosher. The large majority of poskim do not hold the tagim to be meakev. But still, the tagim have basis al pi hasod and are important.

    Re the klaf - I would think that once you start writing leshem kedushat mezuza the klaf becomes a davar kadosh and could not cut out pieces for chol.

    Ie for something that's a tashmish kedush (eg tefillin bag) you can make a condition to use it for chol and then even after you've used it for tefillin you can use it for chol, but something that's a davar kedusha, once you've done the maaseh hazmana of writing leshem, even if it was me'ubad al tnai, the Kedusha is chal. (SA OC 42:3, MB there)
    But I don't know offhand a specific source that addresses this question...

  2. וחרה the ches looks lke a vav and a daleth. whats your opinion Rabbis?
    Most poskim - kosher

    Tagin, i found most of mezuzos not to be medakdek that the right tag (chesed) shall be taller then the left one. the question is what is the source of this tag issue?
    This is brought in Imrei Shefer, it definitly isnt me'akev the tagim

    Another question: if the mezuzah klaf i bought was made al tnay that is also good for divrey chulin, now lets say i said leshem kdushat mezuzah and than i wrote shma israel or only one letter shin but than i decided i dont want to go on with writing this mezuzah, can i crop the first shitah of the mezuzah and use the rest of the mezuzah for chulin?
    No, once you were mekadesh the csav (and klaf) - horada is forbidden. The tnay only helps if you decide never to use it as a kdusha but as a chol.

  3. They look to be written according to certain Persian and Temani minhag. The Ketiva looks Sephardi, by us there are only two requirments for the ketiva to be considered Mehudar, 1) That the sofer learned it that way peh m'peh 2) That it is internally uniform. The three ח's that I see look uniform to me. So, at least according to sephardi halakha, they are kosher(quite possibly mehudar) and should be left as is.

  4. about the right tag of a lamed being bigger it is also brought down in beis yosef tzuras haootios simin lame vav beshem ri achsandanri reb moshe probably ment where it says it is kosher personly i would fix the right tag since it is connected with chesed i heard it could cause problems with shalom bayis
    also rabbi tzotok just a thought do you think that in the case of the tag of the ches it might be different because the whole makor is rabeina tam and he says to do both

    1. I assume you are talking about tagin on בדק חיה which really didn't enter Sephardi custom until post Arizal. Even then many communities, even those that accepted the Ari on other things, did not change their safrut customs.

      If you are referring to the right tag being higher than the left tag, we as Sephardim do not hold of that at all. For precise reasons as to why not, that would require some indepth study of parts of the Eitz Chaim(I can provide sources if you wish).

  5. Thank you verry much i guess the ches is part of בדק חיה i was just thinking that the chatrotes of the ches is rabeinu tam and he said to do rashis kav
    i wouldnt mind seeing the mekoros that would be nice of you if you have time

  6. Thank you verry much i guess the ches is part of בדק חיה i was just thinking that the chatrotes of the ches is rabeinu tam and he said to do rashis kav
    i wouldnt mind seeing the mekoros that would be nice of you if you have time


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