Ink and Paper Suggestions -- Any and All.

Aside from regular safrus, I write on paper for various things including gittin, kesubos, and calligraphy.

Nevertheless, I have still not found an ink and paper combination I like.

I have experimented with all kinds of ink, including dio and many commercial inks, and many different kinds of paper, and I just can't seem to find the perfect combination to make nice, sharp, letters. Nothing seems comparable to parchment.

With paper, too, I have tried many different kinds, and believe it or not, my favorite is plain copy paper!

Anyway, I would appreciate any and all advice, and hearing about what combinations work for you and for what.

I would especially like to hear from people who write gitten.

Thank you!


  1. Bleed proof paper is usually best, some of the fancy stuff bleeds and swells. I think its hard to expect letters to come out as sharp as parchment because the microfiber in the klaf stop the ink from running whereas klaf mashuach or paper will always bleed fractionally, even bleed proof paper, whuch takes away from the perfect sharp look of klaf

  2. Bleed proof paper is usually best, some of the fancy stuff bleeds and swells. I think its hard to expect letters to come out as sharp as parchment because the microfiber in the klaf stop the ink from running whereas klaf mashuach or paper will always bleed fractionally, even bleed proof paper, whuch takes away from the perfect sharp look of klaf


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