What Do You Think of this ende-Tzaddik?

I would like everyone's input on this ende-tzaddik please.

Here it is at about 600% (depending on your screen setting):

And here it is in context:

And here is the entire parsha in actual size (or close to it depending on how your screen is set):

This is from a very old shel yad.

I welcome all comments, even ones non-related to the tzadik, thank you.


  1. The yud of the tzadik is a golem - kav mashuch b'shave, which Mishnat Sofrim says is pasul.
    In regard to fixing by adding dyo some permit, but MB and most acharonim dont allow this.

  2. I would say it's sofek Kav moshuch since it does curve and thicken, and there IS a rosh, only it's not so distinct.

    (If the client happens to be chabad you could fix based on the tzemach tzedek but that's unlikely since the ksav is beis yosef).

    I think its time for new parshiyos anyway given the age. The tagin look very faded. The ink looks poor as well (faded and brown).

  3. We fix this as well since it is safek kav masuch

    1. On what basis is safek Kav moshuch fixable? Rav friedlander is very machmir even about sofek Kav moshuch

  4. It clearly curves. While should be fixed, not sure why anyone would consider this a kav mashuach.
    The reishin are disproportionate.

  5. What about the Kuba of the left margin?

    1. Although it does angle in slightly, not sure if it's enough to be kuba. You could always fix easily by adding to the riesh of bechor and tav of Leo's. Besides, kuba predominantly applies to mezuzah, not everyone agrees it's a problem by tefillin

  6. I think that forgetting about the tzadi and reishin, you should definitely try to convince the owner to replace these parshiyos because of the color. The letters are totally changing color.

  7. I'd agree with that. Although you never can tell with a scan...


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