2 M''B Q's

Amatuer sofer here with 2 Q's on M''B!

1) 32:32 - Above each line one should leave enough space for the top of a lamed (which is a vav..so 3 kulmusim).
After that shulchan aruch the rama says to leave "bain hashitim kimlo shitah".

Is that referring to the same thing as the shulchan aruch. If not - the MB says that "the sofrim" arent noheg to leave a "kimloh shitah" for teffilin and mezuzos etc....So if the rama is referring to the additional top of the lamed (which the m''b said not to do by mezuzos), how would you write a lamed in the mezuzah?

2) 32::78 - m''b says that if letters keep their tzurah but touch, just remove the connection and it's kosher..whether before or after writing. Seems quite clear!
143:25 - If the connection is in the beginning of the letter, even though there's no shinuy tzurah but "the rest of the letter was written bifsul" (which from my understanding of 32 means u have to rewrite it).



  1. 1. צריך להניח חלק מעל שיטה העליונה [הראשונה] דוקא כדי גגה של למ"ד, ומה שכ' הרמ"א הוא בין שאר כל השיטין שבכתב. אמנם יש שלא מקפידים בתפלין ומזוזה להניח בין שיטה לשיטה כמלוא שיטה אלא פחות, וממילא לא נשאר מספיק לכתוב למ"ד שלימה כשיעור המבואר בבית יוסף, אלא היו עושים גגי הלמ"ד קצרים.

    2. מה שהעיר מדיני קריאת התורה שכ' המ"ב (קמ"ג ס"ק כה) "נכתב בפסול" הוא לישנא קלילא, וכתב כן לפי שיטת הרשב"א דסובר , שנגיעת האות בתחילת הכתיבה הוי פסול בכתיבה. אבל האמת להלכה כמבואר בסי' לב שהוא רק פסול חסר היקף גויל ומותר לתקן ע"י גרירת הנגיעה לבד ולא נחשב נגיעה כתיבה בפיסול.

    1. There are some sofrim who are makpid like the rashba and do not scrape negiyos after the ksivah, rather they wait and erase as they are writing.

    2. While this is a nice hiddur, I recently heard in the name of a socher that if you are not choshesh like the rashba (and the negiya, which occurred before the second letter was completed but separated afterwards) one cannot sell such a parsha bgeder mehudar ( ie it is only lechatchillah). To me, such a classification is a bit extreme. If anyone knows a reputable posek who holds like this, I'd be very interested to know.

    3. R' Moshe Shternbuch. R' Dovid Leib Greenfeld of the Vaad MS told me that if the koneh is a Ben Torah, you must tell him if the tfillin or mezuzos are not Rashba, since many Achronim say that one must be makpid l'chatchila not like the Shulchan Aruch, including the Gaon, the Mishna Brura, the Keses Hasofer,etc. The Mishna Brura and Keses only allow one to be meikil like the Shulchan Aruch b'dieved if the sofer went vayter, so as not to require geniza.

    4. Is there anything in print or on the record from Rav Shternbuch. Anyone else?

  2. It's in Tshuvos V'hanhagos; don't remember where, but shouldn't be hard to find.

  3. According to the MB (and Keses), lechatchila one should follow the Rashba (among a few other rishonim). My understanding from Rav Friedlander in recent discussions is that it would be entry level mehudar.

    Rav Shterbuch says that if one charges a lot (I'm not sure what this means/how it translates into level of hiddur) that he needs to be makpid on the Rashba and if he's not he must inform the (potential) buyer. [teshuvos Vehanhagos chelek 5, siman 15]

  4. Clarification: My understanding from Rav Friedlander is that it would (only) be entry level mehudar, if one followed the Shulchan Aruch.


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