Mem Sofit: a hairy situation

the particular area of the klaf is fuzzy with the hairs going in different directions, causing the d'yo to spread. as a result, the MeM of "ואם" has a small חלל.

is it: כשר/פסול/שאילת תינוק?


  1. It's kosher but in these situations you can give it a "haircut" by running a shaving blade across it and thereby smoothing it out (without ruining the letter). Its easy and improves the situation

    1. Reb Eli, this smoothing technique - is it performed before writing on the klaf? is the razor held perpendicular to the klaf, or almost flat against the klaf to achieve best results?

      thanks for the details

    2. you run the blade across the letter, very carefully not to touch the ink, but enough that the blade will shave off the messy fibers. Hold it the same way you are kolef. The chiddush is that it can be done after writing to clean a messy / hairy mechikah somewhat. Just be careful not to peel off any parts of the letters you have to be extremely careful

  2. Next time use מי קלף on this type of klaf and it will come out much sharper

    1. holy Reb Aaron, yes i used mei klaf prior to writing in this area. the typical method i use is to insert the end of a q-tip into the bottle of mei klaf and gently dab it into the klaf until the klaf appears saturated.

      is there another method you could recommend that would improve the finished product?

  3. our sofrim hate mei klaf since a year later you will see a yellow stain


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