רגל כקוץ

״...אבל אם הוא קטן מאוד ונראה כקוץ קטן אין להקל אף בדיעבד, ובתו״מ לא מועיל תיקון...״ (ועיין שבט הלוי ח״ה סי׳ ח ס״ק ד) משנת הסופר סי׳ ה׳ ס״ק פט

What does everyone think about this yud?


  1. There's no Tzuras Yud. (It's like the Z'vuv that was Gorer: "Machriv Es Haolam").

  2. Looks like it got some heat and the ink melted a bit there. I'd say it's a shinuy tzurah. But note the first yud of that word has a regel that by all accounts is significantly on the longer side.

  3. The first Yud is ok. The 2nd likely pasul but it would be kedai to ask a chacham for confirmation.


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