פצפונים בדיו לנצח

I am looking for a sofer who can write very mehudar pitzponim in ksav Beis Yosef and has experience doing so with Dio Lanetzach. Any leads would be appreciated.


  1. forgive me for asking: what are "פצפונים"?

    1. Small tefillin, Batim size approximately 22-24mm.

  2. As airlines become stricter with hand luggage regulations (such as weight), I find that I have received an increase in Pitzponim orders and inquiries. I'm sure I'm not the only one to notice an increase in this trend. While most sofrim who can write miniature mehudar ksav charge a fortune, I currently have a sofer with a mehudar (mamash) ksav that is very well priced that I use for these orders. However he does not write with D.L.

    1. How much is well-priced? Would he be willing to try for a bit extra?

    2. He takes about $450 for parshiyos but they are worth more. $450 would be the wholesale price for the ksav in normal size, but these are like the ksav of a 6cm mezuzah

    3. Do you have his contact info and dugmaos?

    4. A gutte voch.

      Please email me: melbournesofer@gmail.com

  3. Try calling this guy in Israel. He is an expert sofer and he writes with Dio Lanetzach.

    1. I spoke to him. I want dio lanetzach on klaf me'uppatz and he just wrote for a friend of mine and had trouble with it, so he said he is not interested in trying again.

    2. I spoke to him. I want dio lanetzach on klaf me'uppatz and he just wrote for a friend of mine and had trouble with it, so he said he is not interested in trying again.


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