Can a Bayit shel rosh be repaired?

Can a Bayit shel rosh be repaired if there is a thin split at the top of the bayit.  Interestingly, while checking i accidentally looked inside the four sections and the light came through the other side a hairline split.

These batim are better quality pshutim mehudarim.  Is it Efshar letaken or not ? Am thinking I can put a glued piece of klaf inside but only if everyone agrees its mutar.


  1. Is the split by the charitz? (between the batim?) or on the wall of the bayis?

  2. It is at the top of the bayit between one chamber and another. Meaning If i were to put a thin piece of metal into one of the chambers on the side it would come out/ poke out . Hope that makes sense

  3. It is at the top of the bayit between one chamber and another. Meaning If i were to put a thin piece of metal into one of the chambers on the side it would come out/ poke out . Hope that makes sense

  4. OK, that would make the bayis possul and while you can repair it in the manner you suggested above, it would no longer be pshutim "mehudarim" because the bayis is no longer made of one single (folded) piece. However it would be kosher, provided it is entirely sealed.

  5. Yasher Koach

    I will consult with the owner and see what he wants to do then. Hatzlacha Rabbah !!!


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