ribuah on dakkos

Hi, I hope everyone had a wonderful Yom Tov.

I've always understood that if the thin layer of klaf that is stuck to the underside of dakkos batim comes away or breaks or peels off (at the sides or corners) this constitutes a flaw in the ribuah (even though the actual shape of the titurah is square)m

See pic.

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to fix this?

I don't work much with dakkos anymore and I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thanks


  1. אם אתה רוצה תיתורא מעור אחד - אי אפשר לתקן
    אבל אם אתה רוצה לעשות תיתורא משתי עורות מודבקים, אתה יכול להדביק עור אחר דק להשלים ריבוע התיתורא, ויהיה לו דין תפלין פשוטות שלא מעור אחד

    1. If that's the case, why not just peel off the whole layer from the bottom. Less of an eisek, it peels off easily. Granted, it will also have din pshutim but definitely easier.

    2. Furthermore, they would still have an advantage over pshutim because the bayis is completely Ohr echod.

  2. will you still have one piece of titura above and under?
    and this has to be leather that was neevad lshem kedushas tefillin.

    1. Yes. But not the filler. I suppose we can assume the leather used for the titurah would be nevad lishmoh? Since the titurah elyona is usually the same piece? (I'm not talking about the filler)

  3. I'm just curious R' Moshe, how could the upper layer on the top of the titurah and the lower layer that goes under not be the same piece? How else could it be formed given that that "folded" piece creates the mabarta?

  4. sure. but it must be one piece, and not the lower titura glued to the filler and not glued to the top titura.


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