parsha needed

Anyone have a parsha kadesh from shel Rosh written before תש''מ?


  1. 1) which ksav
    2) what sort of level?
    3) for larger or standard size batim?

    Kol tuv

  2. It's from zilberman a"r the customer would even settle with another ksav in order to keep the other three parshios it's chabbad batim

  3. I have something from the chofs, I juist can't remember if the psul was in kadesh or vehoya ki, if it's in vehoya ki we are in business. I am away I will be back only in 10 days pls remind me, I think this will work

  4. I have something from the chofs, I juist can't remember if the psul was in kadesh or vehoya ki, if it's in vehoya ki we are in business. I am away I will be back only in 10 days pls remind me, I think this will work

  5. I have a set of pre-war Ari parshiyos, I'll have to go over them first though. IIRC they might not still be kosher.

  6. Sorry but I just came to learn that it's for a רבינו תם set. good luck.


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