never seen this before...


  1. It seems to me that it's Passul.

    However, separating the Parshiyos may be a solution.

  2. I thought so too but seems there are many opinions that it's not meakev (even with no gap at all) see Mishnas hasofer siman 26.

    In any case, I was thinking to fix by erasing from the shem and rewriting the last few words more compact, thereby creating a proper space...

  3. I thought so too but seems there are many opinions that it's not meakev (even with no gap at all) see Mishnas hasofer siman 26.

    In any case, I was thinking to fix by erasing from the shem and rewriting the last few words more compact, thereby creating a proper space...

  4. this mistake happened because sofer used rashi tikun, if it was never used as rabeinu tam yet perhaps you can cut it up and glue it back as a rashi.

    1. Good idea, but they are not new, they have been used as r"t for 20 years so would be problematic to switch to Rashi because already used for R"T


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