Inverted Nun's

Very old sefer Torah.  Has anyone ever seen this minhag of the inverted nun's  seems problematic to me.


  1. Hi Mordechai,
    I have seen these in Bomberg's first printed edition of the Rabinnical Bible (1525) that was based on older manuscripts. The first inverted NUN is to be found on the word BINSOA. The last one is on the first NUN of word KeMitonenim, exactly as it appears on the picture which you have posted above.

  2. it is the shittah of the Maharshal, who is machsher a backwards os and passeles if there is an extra one. I think Rav Moshe has a teshuvah regarding them

  3. Yes - have seen this a number of times and indeed have written a short book on it and the normal nun hafucha called 'Sefer Binsoa' with a number of images from old Sifrey Torah and codices. Certainly not problematic as a very old and well established tradition.

  4. It's an old Mesora indeed. I wrote about it here, based on Rabbi Frand's shiur on this topic:

  5. It's an old Mesora indeed. I wrote about it here, based on Rabbi Frand's shiur on this topic:


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