Thoughts on this ayin (in a Beis Yosef ksav)?


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  2. What's Beis Yosef about this Ksav?

    1. @ R' Aharon:

      The Ksav happens to be Ari. But the question of this Ayin becoming a Tzadik could only be in the conext of the Beis Yosef since its not a Yud hafucha.

    2. Correct. The shailo is far more potent in Beis Yosef ksav

  3. @ R' Eli:

    To me it seems to be a Shaalas tinok. Based on what do I say that?

    The Rishonim specify 2 things to be particular about when writing a tzadik in order that the tzadik not look like an Ayin. 1) to twist its neck back towards the right. 2) attach the right yud to its neck and not to its base.

    Our case does NOT have a twisted-back neck and the right "Yud" attaches right at the base. Therefore, while it MIGHT pass as a tzadik, it might actually look like an Ayin!!!

    In light of the above this would be the classic case of a Safek in which case a Shaalas tinok is in order.

    1. Thanks. I believe that is the popular psak. As it turned out here, the Tinok read as ayin.


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