טי"ת פסולה - אין לה מושב

אין לה מושב. (ולענ"ד אי אפשר להכיר האם זה טי"ת או חצי עיי"ן. במלים אחרות: איני יודע אם זה ט' שחסר מושבה, או עיי"ן שחסר מושבה)


  1. לא יודע. זה שאלה שקיבלתי, וזה מה ששלחו לי

  2. It's a very nice ksav. Which makes it even stranger because it looks deliberate

  3. From Rabbi Askotzky:

    Harav Yaakov Meir Stern is machshir (same by Samech) as is Harav Mualem (Yeriot Shlomo). I believe the Shevet Halevi pasels by a Samech because of chaser aiver and the same would apply here.

  4. Thanks R' Eli for posting for me while I had issues with posting comments.
    It's likely deliberate. The sofer has an artistic hand and either knowing Rav Mualem's psak or not realizing it's a shailah took the liberty of artistic license with what he knew/though to be within the confines of halachah. It's certainly not appropriate but as per my previous comment, there's upon whom to rely to machshir.


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