Thank you for commenting on my ink article. In your comment you stated: "Many poskim disagree... Many rishonim have clearly stated the use of our ingredients." Would you please be kind enough to teach us (so I can include it in the article) which Poskim and what exactly and where did they say that the עפצים וקנקנתום type of ink is preferable over good quality דיו עשן that does not fail? We are not interested in biased פילפולים , or in those who said that דיו עשן is not being used because it fails easily or because it was not known how to make good quality דיו עשן. Nor are we interested in those who said to use עפצים וקנקנתום וגומא ואין לשנות when they discussed specifically the עפצים וקנקנתום type of ink. We are interested to find out where and who (if any) said explicitly, based on sources, that the עפצים וקנקנתום type of ink is preferable over good quality דיו עשן , even when there is דיו עשן of good quality that does not ...
?כולם היו ככה
ReplyDelete?כולם היו ככה
ReplyDeleteלא יודע. זה שאלה שקיבלתי, וזה מה ששלחו לי
ReplyDeleteIt's a very nice ksav. Which makes it even stranger because it looks deliberate
ReplyDeleteFrom Rabbi Askotzky:
ReplyDeleteHarav Yaakov Meir Stern is machshir (same by Samech) as is Harav Mualem (Yeriot Shlomo). I believe the Shevet Halevi pasels by a Samech because of chaser aiver and the same would apply here.
Thanks R' Eli for posting for me while I had issues with posting comments.
ReplyDeleteIt's likely deliberate. The sofer has an artistic hand and either knowing Rav Mualem's psak or not realizing it's a shailah took the liberty of artistic license with what he knew/though to be within the confines of halachah. It's certainly not appropriate but as per my previous comment, there's upon whom to rely to machshir.