ד' הפוכה

THIS is the case of the ברוך שאמר.

No need for "Sofer's Lomdus" to see that it is no longer a ז.

To any normal person - including a child - it does NOT look like a ז.

"ברוך שאמר: "...פסול לכו"ע, אחרי שאין שמה עליה

"שלחן ערוך: "...הפסיד צורת האות לגמרי

Pls note: Questioning a letter's shape that's not perfect, with just a "Sofer's Lomdus", is probably compatible to the reading of a תינוק טיפש.

- שאם טיפש אינו יודע לקרות אלא אות שלימה.
(:רש"י מנחות כט)

Which "L'halocho" can NOT make it פסול.

Here is the same above picture, before erasing the leg of extra Vov.


  1. This is an obvious shinui tzura, even a less wide the gag would be. As per the image in Binyan Alef Bais the gag is 2 kulmusin and is pasul
    R' Shea's shailah was less hence the shailah for which the psak was to ask a tinok.

  2. Obviously what you're showing here is an extreme, and we are not discussing this at all. And obviously since what I posted is not such an extreme - hence the terminology: "Sha'ala" - and the Tinok becomes the determining factor. Whether one is permitted to light a candle on Shabbos is not a "Sha'ala". But whether one is permitted to take Tylenol on Shabbos is a Sha'ala... (Sorry for posting the equation of 1 plus 1 equals 2...)

    1. Yes, correct

      And the ברוך שאמר is also talking about this same extreme case

      To explain that, i just added the picture before the leg of the extra Vov was erased.

      However in a case that to all it's recognized correctly. and it's only questioned with "Sofer Lomdus", why would that be any different than the stretched ר, which "Lhalocho" it not an issue since it looks like a ר?

      Thank you for bringing up the topic! ישר כח.

  3. That of course is always the question: Is it indeed recognized to all correctly?... That's usually where the Tinok helps us out... (Raish is also probably generally different, since Raish is officially one of the letters which can be stretched when necessary, however a Zayin is not one of those letters.)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. 👍 since we judge the letter the it looks. without theoretical Lomdus.

      on this topic you might find helpful שו"ת מהרש"ג חלק א, סימן ח



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