An Add on to the Ktav Ivri Post

A little picture brought from the Sefer "Sefrei Likut STaM"


  1. Note here that the ע is similar to a triangle, as brought in פוסקים.

    Not a complete circle as in the previous posts.

  2. Thank you for the picture.

    There seems to be a few different versions of Ktav Ivri, for instance, the Aleph in this diagram (looking like an F) is clearly not the Ox shaped letter that is accepted to be the Aleph of Ktav Ivri. The best resource I've seen exploring this topic within Chazal is Rabbi Kasher's Ktav Hatorah VeOtiotea (it might be part of the new edition of his Torah Shelema) and he brings this coin too.

    @yisroel "Note here that the ע is similar to a triangle, as brought in פוסקים." Which poskim are you referring to?

    1. חידושי הר"ן and שו"ת הרדב"ז ...
      as brought in אנציקלופדיה תלמודית also in כתב התורה ואותיותיה which you mentioned.


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