
What do you think of the kuf of "umilkosh"? do you think its just a fat tag or he wrote another lamed and was too lazy to erase it and turned it into a kuf without erasing the rosh?


  1. "do you think its just a fat tag or he wrote another lamed and was too lazy to erase it and turned it into a kuf without erasing the rosh?"

    Does it matter what he meant? Is there a difference between a case that he intend it to be a lamed, and changed his mind and turned it into a kuf [I understand from your wording that this is a type of "csiva b'pisul"], and the case that he intended to write a kuf but the tag came out fat?

    Please clarify the issue - because I am not sure I understood you correctly.

  2. Perhaps I phrased it wrong. I was asking if you think it is pasul or if a sheelat tinok would help in this situation? to me, it looks pasul, but I wanted other Sofrim's opinions on the matter.

  3. I showed this to R' Shammai Gross this morning. He said to me as it is he said it's kosher. If the tag would come out that thick and be all the way at the end (on the left side) it'd be pasul.

  4. I agree it makes no difference what the sofer's intentions were. I also would have said like Rav Shamai.


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