Ink or paint?

There are several references in the sources to the need of ink to be ink (Dio) and not paint (Tzeva). I did not find, however, a definition of what is  Dio and what is  Tzeva. Is there such a definition? Is such a definition agreed upon by all Poskim, or are there differences?

Gut Yom Tov to all.


  1. I am unsure as to the answer to your question however I used your ink (Dyo Lonetzach) to write a kesubah on shiny paper and with handling parts of the ink peeled off almost like it was a rubber coating on the paper.Is this because of the paper or is this normal for the ink? The paper was very shiny.

  2. 1. Shiny paper has a coating on it to make it shiny. Some coatings behave like an oily coatings - nothing can stick to an oily coating, unless the ink soaks into the paper.

    2. Dio lanetzach dries in stages. After initial drying, the adhesion of the (dry) ink to the paper is still not cured. So, it can peel off. It takes a few days of drying to develop full-strength adhesion. Before making strength experiments on the ink I wait 3 weeks for complete drying and curing.

  3. see bnei yona that dio sjould be tzaf and omed


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