
not something you see every day...

Found this recently on someone's house, was up for years. Scary...

os zayin frequently problematic in cheaper STa"M

I see this shailo often in cheap stam: Zayin from bechozek)... Very often there will be no bottom right corner of the rosh. Sometimes it's just extends out to the right on a slight angle from the regel. I find that a shailos tinok is not always apt because child will be deceived by the tagin and will not distinguish between an angular blita and a proper rosh. How does the Olam deal with this shailo? And can a tinok relied upon here?

donating a sefer Torah and keeping the mitzva of kesivas sefer Torah

It is known that there are different opinions whether one fulfills the mitzvah of writing a sefer Torah when he is donating (and not only lending) it to a shul. According to the majority view, one has to own the sefer and through giving the sefer away he "looses" the mitzva. I was told that Chassidim generally don't hold this way and are not makpid on lending the sefer only, because one fulfills the mitzvah this way as well. Could anybody help me to find the source for this opinion?


I'm looking to teach a lefty Kesiva, what sefer has the strokes clearly written out?

Special Megillah tikkunim

Hello all, Does anyone have a tikkun for a 28-line Megillat Ester without the 10 B'nei Haman in their own 'amud? In other words, a tikkun which conforms to the Chassam Sofer's p'sak (the Gr"a may be interpreted this way as well)

Is the ש of עשב kosher?

Is it fixable?

Yud in Shem- thoughts?


Questions in letters of a Mezuzot Help Needed

BS"D Hi Sofrim, i have some pictures of letters in mezuzot that i want to know if those are ok, or make the mezuza pesula thank you 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 (the bet, beshibtecha its ok??) THANK YOU

redeemable by shailos tinok?

There was a gid on the klaf, which came away. Now we have this. (beis of yeviecho) I think that little shpitz (protrusion) coming out of the gug (roof) is enough to save it, and it can still fall into the catagory of a " nifsak shenikkar lehedya" (which may be fixed if a child recognises the letter). I was wondering what others think..

Hide Glue

Does anyone know where I can get kosher hide glue in New York? Thanks!

Tzade continued

In the above picture we can see a schematic of the traces a scribe must make in order to write the above letters.  If one notices carefully, the top YOD in the Tiberian Style is done with one swoop. The scribe comes down in a 33 degree angle and then folds back over his initial stroke. The same movement is done when writing the foot of the ALEF or the nose of the PEH. A feather, due to it's greater flexibility is not well suited for this type of backwards movement which comes natural when writing with a reed.  It is this type of movement that causes the impression of the head protruding from both sides of the foot.  Our Rabbis described this shape as "Ke'ein YUD" i.e... similar to a letter YOD, but not quite. Today, we have become hyper-literal in interpreting many of the written descriptions of what constitutes Ketav Ashurit left by our sages of old.  But the truth is that a single picture can be more telling than a thousand words.   We are for...

Revising the letter צ

In Ktav בית יוסף  the right hand head of the letter צ is a Yod looking forward. In Ktav  הארי  this head is looking backwards. In ancient writings this head looks like the letter ז   so it has protrusions both forward and backwards. I have a few mezuzot בית יוסף in which I want to add some ink and make the letters  צ   look like in the ancient writings.  Is it allowed? Or, is  there a problem of  שלא כסדרן  ?

dyo lonetzach for repairs

Someone I know recently had his tefillin checked. His tefillin are about 15 years old. The sofer who checked it said that the parshiyos were written with very thick ink, and as a result the ink was "breaking" along the folds of parshiyos shel rosh. He said while there was only one noticeable crack so far (which he repaired), he suggested changing the parshiyos, as they would always be high risk and susceptible to future cracking. The person contacted me and asked me if I had any good parshiyos I could sell him. When he told me why he was changing his parshiyos, I suggested to him that he not change the parshiyos but rather go over the bruised ink with dyo lonetzach. This would ensure the ink will not crack again. Ideally, even to touch all the parts of letters situated on the folds of the shel rosh parsha. This exercise takes no more than 20 minutes and is extremely effective. Even if the thick ink does crack with time, the letters will never become possul because the upper...

parsha needed

Anyone have a parsha kadesh from shel Rosh written before תש''מ?

מגלגלין .. וחוב על ידי חייב

  השאלה היתה על הנו"ן שראשה נתעבה מחמת התגין, וכן ראש הוי"ו שבולט מעט לימין ואולי דומה לזיי"ן  ואז שמו לב שיש בעיה חמורה הרבה יותר חסר אות  בין עיניך

is this mezuza lechatchila or bdieved your thoughts please



I wrote the Ayin properly, then the Bet properly but then when I made the lower back Tag of the Beit I made the Negia. Since the Ayin and Beit were written properly, except when writing the tag of the Beit, do I have to erase the whole Beit or just the Negia? Thanks YK




Since many shailos in the STa"M world are forwarded to Rabbi Greenfeld from Mishmeres STa"M He shared with me that he is lately very upset at the new chabad sofrim that are trying to copy every pletat kulmus from Reb Ruven ZaTZa"L: סופרים חב"ד החדשים כותבים רגל דלי"ת ורגל ימין כמעט כרגל השמאלי של תי"ו, הם  בפירוש נגד ההלכה   יש תחת ידי פרשיות חב"ד עתיקות מאד, ואין בהם שום דמיון כלל כצורת רגל השני של התי"ו שעושים בימינו. : בס"ד כבוד הסופר ר' ..............................הי"ו הואיל וראיתי במשלוחי שאלותיך, ענינים הצריכים תיקון (כגון פסיעה ברגל ימין כמעט כמו רגל שמאל של אות תי"ו), וכן גם בשאר אותיותיך, אשר ע"כ טרחתי לשלוח לך כתב הסופר של אדה"ז שסידרו הדק היטב הרה"ג ר' משה ויינר שליט"א, וממנו תראה וכן תעשה לזכות הרבים.

Several Recent Findings...

Here are four issues found in a recent pair of tefillin. 1) white substance on some letters, probably from klaf when rolled up inside the batim. 2) Lamed of לאמר   3) The left zayin originally had no tagim. As the tag was added, this was done. 4) Mem of אתם