

After I wrote the Shem, as I was writing the following line, the Hey got smudged. Is there any chance the Shem can be left as it is? Thanks YK

Ksav of a 15 year old Sofer.

(I believe the klaf is about 5 cm, so it's small. Click to enlarge.) A 15 year old boy I've been encouraging to pursue safrus asked me to post his ksav and ask for comments. He also would like to know how much the finished pitum haketores would be worth. Thank you! 

High Price Mezuza

My father-in-law bought this Mezuza from highly regarded Sofer in Netanya. He paid a lot for it - 200 dollars - and I wanted your opinion about it. I found that some Chaf Sofits are not long enough and that some Lameds are going into to letters above. Overall I'm underwhelmed about this one.

Shee'lat tinok on the khaf of anokhi?


מידות השירות

I am having gvil made for a Sefer Torah for myself and the gvil macher wants to know how to be m'sartet the Shiros. I have never written a Sefer Torah before and I have no idea! How am I supposed to cheshbon them relative to the other yeri'os? It is a 48-line sefer; does that make any difference?

Is the Khaf sofit in 'vaderekh' fixable?


פצפונים בדיו לנצח

I am looking for a sofer who can write very mehudar pitzponim in ksav Beis Yosef and has experience doing so with Dio Lanetzach. Any leads would be appreciated.

Source and punishment for soaking kemaya in water

Recently a shayla was posted about erasing shem hashem  by soaking in water. See Shabbos 115: There was someone who used to write(brachot-kemeyot) in Tzidon, Reb Yishmoel was notified, Reb Yishmoel went to check him out,as he was going up the ladder, the writer realized(that he will be caught in the act)and took a package of kemeyos and sunk it into a bowl of water. These were the words of Reb Yishmoel גדול עונש האחרון מן הראשון Mishna Brura biur halacha volume 3  chapter140 page 190  last 2 lines debates if one is to write 2 letters on shabbos one above the other if it is counted as one,while the m"b does not solve the question he refutes any interpretation of various sources that might seem as they do not connect.

shinui tzura?


...שמע ישראל


Here is an article I wrote recently....comments and feedback appreciated...feel free to reproduce etc


Metal writing tip

How does the use of a rapidograph with a metal tip ‎sit with the kabbalistic concept of not using metal as a writing instrument.

Very Interesting Request

I hope everyone had a great Yom Tov, Someone came to me last week and asked me to write yud kay vov kay of sheim hashem 7 times on seven small pieces of klaf (vertically). When I asked him why, he told me that he has a growth in his throat and a Rabbi / Mekubel in Israel had said to put the 7 pieces of klaf in 7 cups of water so that the ink should mix with the water. He should drink one cup of water each day for a week. Two questions on this: 1) Would it be a question of mechikas hashem to do this? Or is the fact that it is written vertically remove this chshash. 2) Is it safe to drink water that has ink and klaf soaking in it? Feedback appreciated

Letter Tzade

Please take a careful look at the TZADE of the word MATZOT.  The YOD HAFUKHA has no YEREKH and meets the body of the letter in the form of a pie-shaped wedge on the outside. However, on the inside the shape appears normal.   This anomaly appears to have arisen due to someone going over the letter and causing damage to it.   The question here is, do we hold that the letter maintains its shape, and we're therefore allowed to correct it.  Or, would we maintain that it does not maintain its shape and therefore has no remedy. Your educated responses are always appreciated.

ר״ת ורש״י ביחד

Someone told me on Shabbos that there is a Rav in Israel selling Rashi and Rabbeinu tam parshiyot together in one bayit so that only one pair needs to be worn. Does anyone know anything about this?

Cut Out in Mezuza for Shakai.

Why?! Any comments?

Wide zayin

Zayinim - very wide rosh. Your thoughts

nun / gimmel

This (nun from eineichem) was done by a magiha by accident who was fixing the tagin of the lamed. Not sure which direction the tikkun was made in but I don't think the end result is a  shailo of a gimmel because the negiya is not on the right but towards the left side. Thoughts anyone? This one, on the other hand, is more of a worry.

Feh Meshunah

What is the status of the 'Pehs' where a line protrudes and closes the gap completely? In one of the peh's the line closes even the bottom moshav completely! (feh of nafshechem)

Damaged Mezuzah Case

What is the right thing to do with a damaged Mezuzah case (without the Mezuzah) that was taken off a door post? Does it need Gnizah? Can it be thrown away?