How many hairs come out of Tefilin Shel Rosh?
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Looking for a Jerusalem (English speaking) batim worker to give 2-3 day crash course
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Yerachmiel Askotzky
Comment on the vertical megillah question
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Rabbi Eli Gutnick
I received this by email: I am not a member of your forum, and don’t wish to become one, but I do follow it religiously. On the recent question of a megilla that opens vertically, it seems to me that there is a basic problem. If the request was to write it page by page, with the pages arranged vertically, with spaces in between, then the spaces would constitute a parsha that is incorrect. If, on the other hand, the intention was to write the whole thing, line after line, without any extra breaks, that would cause a problem with Asseres B’nai Haman, which everyone seems to agree have to be either at the top or bottom of a page, if not on a page of their own. So I don’t really see how this can be L’maaseh. Thank you for your interesting forum.
megillas Esther that opens top to bottom
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Yerachmiel Askotzky
Do you have an email for Rabbi Yehuda Clapman?
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Yerachmiel Askotzky
very questonable tefillin
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Dear sofrim, a gezunten zummer, recently I was asked by friends who are looking for tefillin to check out a Judaica store here in Israel that has an advertisement for tefillin for $144. On their website I've already read the following: "Sorry - we will not be able to accept for return or refund: Mezuzahs, Tallitot or Tefillin that have been used - even for one time" meaning, that if you find out that the tefillin is possul, you can't get your money back. I read about the manager on their website that he is a graduate of very prestigious yeshivos, as well "expert Torah scribe, inspector and proofreader of religious STaM parchments." I was very suspicious, but I did my shlichut. I've called the store. I've talked to the manager, and asked him about the parshios inside. I've asked if I can see photos of the ksav. I was told that he is unable to send my photos, because they get the parshios from different sources and he cannot know where exactly th...
Efforts to keep the forum going...
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Rabbi Eli Gutnick
Wishing everyone a good Moed and I hope everyone is having a great Pesach. This has probably been evident for some time but I regret to say that I am finding it harder and harder to keep this forum going. The forum has been going for about five years and clearly has proven its value with thousands of informative posts archived (many with excellent discussion in the comments) and still averaging close to 300 hits per day. However I have neglected to add new members for a long time and this has stunted the growth and volume of new posts. The reason is simply lack of time on my part. I would like to apologize to the many people who have emailed me in recent years to join the forum and I simply have not added them. Nor have I added quite a few newer members to the member list on the side bar. I wish to reiterate that I do not vet who can join - the forum is open to everyone - however in order to add new members I need to clean out the authors list (BlogSpot onl...
A Project of Yeshivas STaM - whoever would like a copy please email me:)
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Some recent Shailos emailed to me I promised to put on the forum.....
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Rabbi Eli Gutnick
I'm sure everyone is too busy before Pesach but I get regular emails from around the world as my email address is the only one public on this page. The easy ones I answer right away but some that are more difficult I promise to post here to ask the opinions of our members, but of course I never get around to it.... So just quickly, here is my outstanding list, if anyone can post a reply I'd be much obliged.... 1) The yud below . The left part is a not attached but possibly still a shinuy to a small ches? 2) From a sofer in England : Shalom R. Gutnick, I wanted to post something about two sifrey torah that were stolen from a community in the UK so that people could a) keep an eye out and b) advise how one might go about tracking these down. But there doesn't seem to be an option to post anymore on the page that I could see. I know you periodically clear down infrequent posters. I don't know if the robbers knew exactly what they were stealing as I under...
bayis shel rosh rov prudos according to Chabad?
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Yerachmiel Askotzky
סגירת בתים לשמה, אם לא אמר בפיו
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moshe weiner
שאלה: מה הדין אם סוגר בתים סגר תפילין ורק חשב "לשם קדושת תפילין", אבל לא אמר בפיו כלום במהלך הסגירה. מה דין התפילין? והאם חייב לפותחם ולסוגרם מחדש ולומר בפה "לשם קדושת תפילין"? תשובה: נראה לי שבדיעבד כשר, ואין צריך לפתוח שוב על מנת לסגור לשמה בדיבור. כי מבואר בשוע"ר סי' לב סעי' לא בנגע לעיבוד העור דהואיל ויש מכשירים בלא לשמה עכ"פ סמכינן על זה לענין שסגי במחשבה. וא"כ יש לומר כמו כן בהכנסת הפרשיות לבתים - הרי דעת הרמב"ם שגוף עשיית הבית אינו צריך להיות מעובד לשמו כמבואר בשוע"ר סי' לב סעי' נז, וכל שכן הכנסת הפרשיות לבית וסגירת הבית ואפילו תפירתו - אינו צריך לשמה לדעת הרמב"ם, וממילא דסמכינן על שיטתו בדיעבד אם חשב בלבד ולא הוציא בפיו [עיין ביאור הלכה סי' לג סעי' ד ד"ה אפילו, דמשמע שמיקל בדיעבד אפילו לא חשב, אלא הכניסן סתם. פשיטא דיסכים בדיעבד להקל בחשב לשמה]. ראה גם פורום לנושאי סת"ם: עשיית תפלין ותפירת ס"ת ע"י פסולים