
Showing posts from July, 2019

Can I ask sofer to redo the work?

I gave my Sefer Torah for repairs. This is one of repaired amudim. Is it quality work?

List of shemot to Mekadesh or not

I found this chart listing the shemot that are Chol or Kodesh according to the Keset HaSofer, Kol Yaakov, and to הרה"ג הרב אלישיב זצ"ל as brought down in his Sefer נקדש את שמך From the Or LaSofer online Forum for Soferim. WEB0_Phnn97EFuag/view?usp= drivesdk x

כמה חייב אדם לטרוח להדר במצות קביעת המזוזה

נשאלתי:  האם מזוזה שקבועה מאחרי הדלת או לפניה [פונה כלפי חוץ, ולא כלפי חלל הפתח], כי אי אפשר לקבעה בחלל הפתח כראוי לה לכתחילה, בגלל מבנה או צורת המשקוף. האם יש צורך לעשות מאמץ ולהוציא הוצאות יתר כדי לחפור לה מקום בחלל הפתח, או שהיות שאפשר לקבעה לפני או אחרי הדלת בדיעבד כדינה, אין צריך לטרוח יותר? בהשקפה ראשונה נראה לי שהיות שבמצב ההוה אי אפשר לקבעה בחלל הפתח, אינו חייב לטרוח טירחא מיוחדת לעשות אופן שיוכל לקבעה שם ע"י חפירה וכיוצא בזה. לא מצאתי מקור ברור לדבר זה לעת עתה, לא לחייב ולא לפטור. וכן צ"ע האם יש במקרה כזה וכדומה - חיוב [חז"ל] להוציא עד כדי שליש יתר מכדי דמיו לקיים מצוה מהודרת? כלומר, האם מבחינה כספית חייב להוציא עד חצי מכדי דמי המזוזה, כדי לקבעה בסף בצורה יותר מהודרת, כשם שיש מצוה לקנות מזוזה כתובה מהודרת יותר, אם אפשר לו לקנותה עד חצי מדמי מזוזה זולה, כמבואר בשו"ע בנוגע לאתרוג. אודה לכל מי שיש בידו להעיר בנושא.

Sefer Torah with very tight ksav

Sholom uvrocho, I wanted to ask about the following Torah. Please see picture below. Did you see anything like that?

Writing LeShamh

Can someone write that he's writing leshmah or do Shomah ke'oneh in order to make his Sta"m or Shemos Leshmah? I was recently asked this question and do not recall ever seeing the question, if any one has mareh mekomos it would be appreciated

Question on the עשרת בני המן page in the Megillah

I recently got some קלף for a second מגילת אסתר, and I see that the lines were done for the עשרת בני המן daf a bit different than normal. Instead of the page dividing evenly into 11 lines, there are 10 lines that are equal, but the 11th line is smaller than the rest of the lines. I assume that it is the correct layout, but my question is witch line should the כתב be based on? I know for sure it cannot be the larger lines because then the כתב for the 11th line would jump out of the 11th line. I will try to get a picture of the lines בעזרת ה soon.

Unknown machlokes mekubalim in tzuras ה׳

ב׳׳ה The minhag from the arizal is to write a yud in the first letter ה׳ of שם הוי׳ and a vov in the second letter ה׳. However, concerning the last ה׳ of the שם, according to earlier mekubalim, it would seem that there was a letter yud that was stressed within it. In the perush Dan Yadin of R' Shimshon of Astropoli ז׳׳ל on sefer Karnayim, he mentions that there is a machlokes mekubalim in the tzura of the letter yud within the last letter ה׳ of שם השם and a maskana on how to write it. Unfortunately, the מו׳׳ל did not print the pictures of the letters that were obviously in the original manuscript. I was curious if any sofrim on this forum might know what it referred to, or, at least find it interesting as I did.

When sirtut detracts

ב׳׳ה The reason given for sirtut is to meyasher the ksav and for yofi haksiva and halacha le'Moshe etc. In the following two cases it appears that the sirtut may hinder the ksav rather than help it, and was wondering your thoughts. First case is the asvan ravravan, the large letters. The letters are not written on the sirtut itself, but with the sirtut disecting the letter in half. This can be easily discernible at a glance and gives the apearance of the letter cut in half by the sirtut. In addition, when writting a large letter since the sirtut, because there is a larger amount of ink and it is right in the middle of the letter, the ink tends to bleed more into the sirtut, making it harder to write properly. Perhaps this is a narisha svara but it would make more sense to rub out the sirtut in before writing this letter were it not for the divrei kabala that it needs to be there... Example of where the sirtut is easily visible. Second case is where you need to writ...

Elboim/Landau - Shimborsky/Edah retzuos

What do they retail for (with putting on) in the NY/NJ area? Which maker/hechsher do you prefer (quality and/or halachically) and why?

Entrance requiring mezuzah?

Thoughts on if this entrance to kitchen needs a Mezuzah?