enlarge for better view Yehoshua, Please ask [and post the answers from] Rabbi Shammai shlita, in regard to this mezuza. [I gave one pic. of the mezuza, and a second the same, only I encircled the following questions]: 1. Is the revach in the word מצוך kosher, or not. May it be fixed? how? 2. Are the 3 end lines on the left (starting U'vesherecha) pasul as a kuba? 3. Are the yuds incircled kosher or not (since their foot is much longer than their head - around twice or more. enlarge to see clearer and also when you print! ) if not, may they be fixed? 4. Are the nuns incircled kosher, or they are shvura or shinuy tzura? Thanks for your help, and I hope this may be help to all the forum members. In any case anybody that wants to comment before R. Shammai's comments or after, please - as Yehoshua stated in his post, one of the issues of this forum is also to learn !!